Live Long and Prosper
Live Long and Prosper

Live Long and Prosper

(Written during the reign of the orange koolaide clown wann-be dick-tater-tot.)

We expect all American Political Parties to support our Constitution with their efforts to protect and serve our society as they pledge to our Constitution when they or any citizen take office or attend school. We are required to learn the Constitution and we swear to protect it and our country from all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

Those people who are the enemies and destroyers of what we have all sworn to do shall be educated into becoming a non-threat to us. Or, their threat to us shall be reduced to a rational minimum or eliminated as is required by the nature of the threat.

We are a place where freedom of ideas and speech are promoted. When people cross the line to yell fire in a theatre or to taking the rights of others, claiming it is their Constitutional right or to protect their rights, then they are what we shall be protected from.

Their threat to us shall be reduced to a rational minimum or eliminated as is required by the nature of the threat.

Currently, our laws say that to achieve that rational minimum the government can kill us. I would like to see us change that law soon after we get the money out of politics. Then we can again address the real threats which are not caused or enabled by that money.

With real democratically driven change by our society, which now has a majority who are educated and informed enough to not require an Electoral College, It too has been perverted to serve that which it was to protect us from. Just as the fascist have perverted our Cabinet. Each member destroying what each member is supposed to protect and promote. Voss destroys and underfunds public education, etc …. read – Google it, Learn – read until you also comprehend it. Grow as your brain becomes stronger and your mind gains understanding of our shared reality. When you understand what satan’s hands on earth are doing to us you too will join in ending fascism.

I do consider these fascists to be some of the most significant dangers to us and we are right to seek our goals as one would to protect ourselves from them. But, we also should protect those who’s illnesses threatens us as theirs do while we strive to become a better society where we can live freely to pursue life, liberty, and happiness while growing wiser and living longer.

We must not be allowing the fascist’s efforts to dumb us down and kill us sooner to succeed. The fascist oligarchs have been doing their damndest with lies, propaganda, and their political pens to get us to die sooner while making all the money they can doing so as THEY LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK ON THE RUINS OF OUR GOVERNMENT, OUR SOCIETY, ON THE RUINS OF HUMANITY AND MANKIND!

George Washington

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.”

We expect all American Political Parties to support our Constitution with their efforts to protect and serve our society as they have pledged to US and OUR Constitution. When they become the tools of our destruction we expect them to be dismantled, destroyed, or converted to what they have sworn to uphold. Otherwise, we can not achieve, nor even have, an American Dream.

Live Long and Prosper by Learning, Growing, and Voting Wisely!!!


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